Monday, August 11, 2008


WOW! THE MAN BLOG is ONE MONTH OLD today! And one hundred and thirty eight (yes! 138) comments over the last three days! Some FANS, Some HATERS! (mostly 'Defenders of MySpace' who didn't like my 'Why MySpace Sux' post). There's just NOT room to post everyone's comments and HINT: Anonymous comments go in the Anonymous trash - read below. Meanwhile, here are TWO THINGS YOU MUST HAVE to enjoy THE MAN BLOG:


DUDE! THE MAN BLOG is a "HUMOROUS LOOK AT HOW GUYS THINK..." it even says so down there on the right hand side under "THE MAN BLOG is about:" so it MUST BE TRUE! But, if my random observations and STRIP CLUB ADVENTURES don't make you smile or LAUGH OUT LOUD...then CLICK ON OUT OF HERE! You'll be back to see what OUTRAGEOUS thing I do or say next! But HEY! HATERS, before you go, be sure and tell all your friends how EVIL (and FUN!) THE MAN BLOG is! 'Cause Controversy = Traffic; Traffic = Clicks; and Clicks = GROCERIES! (or GAS, or BEER, or LAP DANCES!) And...LIGHTEN UP DUDE!

2. BALLS! Ya' Gotta Have Balls!

OK, you don't PHYSICALLY need to have Balls (almost half of my readers are GIRLS!) but you do need some COJONES! If you've got something to say about ME or THE MAN BLOG (GOOD or BAD), say it! but SIGN IT! You can still leave an Anonymous post, but INSIDE the post, sign your name, first name, initials, SOMETHING. Again, ANONYMOUS, UNSIGNED posts go in the 'NO COJONES TRASH'!

Down there in the bottom right corner of this Blog, under the Creative Commons License is MY NAME. My REAL name, NOT my Stripper Name, NOT my Stage Name! I am NOT lacking in the 'COJONES Department'! I'll even be adding an e-mail link somewhere down there as soon as I can figure out how! Then you can BASH me, or THANK ME up close and personal!

OK! Done Bitchin' again. THE MAN BLOG makes ME laugh - I'm smilin' while I write it! And I hope you enjoy it as well! If you do - tell your FRIENDS, CoWorkers, your Boss, your MOM! Spread the word! THANKS! Dude (and Dude-ettes)! Kevin

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