Thursday, July 24, 2008

Latin Girls ROCK! and so does SAN ANTONIO...

Years ago, the Army sent me here to San Antonio and Ft. Sam Houston for training. Then they kept sending me back here for more and more training - again and again. Eventually even stationing me here. And I loved it!

Anyone associated with the Army Medical Department would always find ways to get back here to Ft. Sam. It IS the center of Army Medicine and ABSOLUTELY the Multicultural Center of the Universe (well, OK, at least Texas!) When it was time for me to leave the service - I stayed here. And I continue to stay because THIS is where I WANT to be! Finally.

So if you notice The Man Blog has a slightly Latin Flavor you're right it does - because SAN ANTONIO ROCKS!

And Beautiful Latin Princesses like Lori (pictured here) are just one of the many reasons SA ROCKS! It's a combination of those BIG Beautiful Brown eyes (see my Hooters post) and a that BIG, BIG SMILE! WOW!

Seriously though - if you are planning a trip to San Antonio - business, convention, vacation or a day-trip to see a SPURS game - let me know! I can help you find the BEST Restaurants, Bars, Clubs, Tiddie Bars (you know - Gentleman's Clubs). Like I'm some SAN ANTO AMBASSADOR or something. But DUDE - I LOVE IT HERE!

Some day we'll talk more about HOW and WHY Latin Girls ROCK! But Hey! - gotta go!
MAN UP! Dude. Eat some HOOTERS or get a Lap Dance for ME! - K

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